The SDCP works across the 4 key themes highlighted in our vision: water quality, species & habitats, value to people, and water quantity.
Under each of these themes there are several key issues, each of which is split into actions. The references in this plan are used in the SDCP Project Programme.
Water Quality
Pollution from single points or locations (point source pollution)
1. Reduce impact of homes on water quality
2. Reduce impact of business & industry on water quality
3. Improve regulation & development planning for water quality
4. Reduce road run-off pollution
5. Reduce pollution from boats in estuaries
6. Reduce litter and plastic pollution
Pollution from wider areas (diffuse pollution)
7. Understand and reduce the causes and impacts of high nutrient levels, bacterial quality issues and algal blooms
8. Tackle diffuse pollution from rural sources (agriculture & forestry)
9. Reduce pollution from landfill, quarry and mine waste
Species & Habitats
Falling fish populations
10. Monitor fish populations
11. Restore riverine habitats and fish passage
12. Improve regulation & planning for fish populations
Habitat loss, degradation & fragmentation
13. Improve regulation & planning for biodiversity
14. Monitor & share species/habitat data
15. Improve habitat management
16. Tackle causes of losses of wildlife
17. Ensure wildlife can adapt to climate change
Invasive non-native species
18. Monitor INNS
19. Prevent and control INNS
Value to People
Recreational access to sensitive environments
20. Raise awareness and community engagement
21. Improve regulation and control of recreation and access
22. Manage access via public rights of way
23. Preserve historic landscapes
Commercial impact on sensitive environments
24. Work with businesses to reduce environmental pressures
25. Manage seasonal population increases
Population Growth & Development
26. Develop local food industry
Water Quantity
Catchment Water Retention
27. Improve land management for water quantity
28. Increase community engagement & awareness of water usage
29. Monitor abstractions & low flows
30. Improve regulation & enforcement of abstractions
31. Reduce impact of reservoirs on fisheries
32. Assess and remove impoundments and barriers relating to reservoirs
33. Improve planning & development for flooding
34. Implement habitat management/natural flood management
Climate Change
35. Monitoring & assessment of the impacts of climate change
36. Management of impacts of climate change
Data & Evidence
In 2024 the South Devon Evidence Review was updated. The data highlights South Devon’s natural assets, the benefits they provide us with, and the opportunities to improve or maximise these benefits.
The outcomes of this review are available here.
Project Pipeline
We have a project pipeline spreadsheet which is reviewed and updated at meetings. Some of these projects are being developed for a specific funding stream, while others are being recorded and developed to be ‘shovel-ready’ for an appropriate funding opportunity.
These meetings are open to all partners with a project they would like to develop in the South Devon area.
Contact for details on how to join.