Upstream Thinking 2

In the Upstream Thinking project, South West Water fund farm management advice and habitat work to improve water quality. Work is continuing to follow up the success of UST1, this time with a greater focus on pesticides.

Following the success of Upstream Thinking 1 (2010-2015), Westcountry Rivers Trust and Devon Wildlife Trust are continuing to work with South West Water to deliver the second phase of the Upstream Thinking (UST) initiative, running from 2015 to 2020.

In the Westcountry, the majority of our water supply is sourced from our rivers. Often South West Water must rely on expensive and resource intensive treatments processes to ensure that we have a clean supply of water available for our homes and businesses. But UST aims to reduce the need for such intensive treatment – we aim to reduce the issues relating to water quality at their source.

For lots more information, visit the Upstream Thinking Website and WRT’s Upstream Thinking 2 project page.

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