Flood Expo 2017

Flood Expo 2017

Flood Expo is taking place on the 27th & 28th of September. The Environment Agency, UN Climate Change, N.A.S.A (Disaster Prediction), The MOD, The MET Office and 220 other expert speakers and 370 suppliers are all meeting at the ExCeL, London to discuss solving...
Loving the Dart

Loving the Dart

Find out what is happening on your river!   Thursday 5th October Dartmoor Lodge, Peartree Cross, Ashburton, Newton Abbot TQ13 7JW 1:30pm to 5pm including a paddle in the Ashburn Brook The Westcountry Rivers Trust is hosting an afternoon event to highlight some of...
The Drip – A Watery Tale…

The Drip – A Watery Tale…

Take a thought-provoking and quirky journey through the water cycle with our new animation. You’ll learn more about our impacts on our local rivers, estuaries and seas, and the opportunities for a brighter...
Frogmore Creek Community Events

Frogmore Creek Community Events

At the end of April, as part of our Frogmore Creek project, Westcountry Rivers Trust and the South Devon AONB hit the road to raise awareness of water quality issues and what each of us can do to help. We visited two local primary schools and a village hall, bringing...
Working Group Meeting – 18th May 2017

Working Group Meeting – 18th May 2017

Last week we held an informative and interesting meeting with the most involved members of the partnership, our ‘Working Group’. The meeting started off with introductions, as we had some new faces in the group. We had representatives from a wide range...